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What is Digital Asset?

  Freiends so do you wanna a  lifestyle of freedom in this Artical  

 I'm gonna be talking about the 10 digital assets that can actually

give you freedom you know an asset is something that puts

money into the pocket a liability is something that takes money

out of the pocket so in today's Artical in the next few minutes

I'm going to be sharing into the 10 things or the 10 assets that  you can create for yourself digitally which can feed your family for the rest of your life okay I can promise this because I've seen this happen the last few months I've been building multiple

digital assets in the form of Artical blogs and eight other things which is actually creating an impact in my financial life so let's dive straight in straight to the end of this Artical and let's begin awesome so you're ready to learn the 10 digital assets okay what

I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a gift at the end of this Artical I'm gonna give you a mind map as you know

I'm a mind map ler and I've listed down all these ten assets over here so if you stay to the end of this video I'm gonna

give you a free download to this mind map you can go and use as a reference for you to learn whatever to refresh what were you just learned over here okay so let's move in here okay so now I'm here right now and you can see my mind map we

have you know I'm gonna be covering three aspects here the first part is I'm gonna talk to you about the concepts okay so the concept of what is an asset and how it can really help you and you know create that leverage to is I'm going to talk to you about the ten digital offsets that can give you freedom and finally I'm going to give you the flow how do these digital assets connect with each other so that you know it really creates that kind of leverage and impact and freedom in your life okay let's get into the concepts the first concept is that assets put money into your pocket but liabilities take money out of your pocket yeah I go back to Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad right he always talks about this principle of what is the difference between asset liability

and most people like even when people are buying a house they feel that it's an asset but it is actually not if you're going to be buying a house and if you're gonna stay in that house it's not

going to put money into your pocket he's gonna take money out of your pocket so it is technically not an asset okay now

that's in the in the offline world but when it comes to the online world the online world and asset is something that it's digital I mean that puts money into your pocket even while you're sleeping okay so coming back over here an asset a digital asset also is something that brings out your digital persona I mean

if you may have a strong offline persona but you can also bring it online right the important thing that I said is a digital asset works for you while you sleep and a digital asset creates your freedom lifestyle okay Chris the freedom lifestyle so freedom live sell is

something which where you don't have to really be doing the work and if you look at it like passive income you know I

forget it so many video digital assets that those assets are working for me even while I'm sleeping so people are

buying some products they're buying some tools through blogs they are buying all kinds of things of based on the content that I've put out there a few months ago a few years ago okay so that's the principle glasses so now let's get into the different types there are 10 types of digital assets how many types 10 types so I'd like you all to take notes at this point because this will open your mind to a new way of doing things on the Internet okay let's go in the first one is your blog and website so in my case I have Siddhartha check out calm which is my main blog or

website which is my home online that is my digital asset I have over 200 plus articles out there and I get a bunch of

traffic coming there and people buy through my articles so it is an asset that has been built over a span of time the second form of an asset is your landing page and I'll dig pages man I said in my case I do webinars every single week and for me to attract people to our webinars I need to have a landing page number three third asset is an email list okay I have a huge I have

tens and thousands of emails right now okay close to touching 20,000 up ten in the last filter you've touched class touching on 20,000 people my email is that I built over the last one year okay

this is a digital asset of mine because if I send one email I get like boom 100 200 people into our webinars okay very filtered lists segments number four is social followers this is

also an asset this can be a digital asset so grow your influence grow your following as you're able to do that they would also become yin and I set for you number five is your funnels I've got

I've crafted many many planners in fact every Tuesday night I'm not sure at this point if you're watching this this video Manas

two links at the end I actually show you how you can craft a lead generation funnel within 60 minutes okay so all of

these funnels that I built are all digital assets number six is my email sequence you know from the minute somebody registers into my list maybe from a webinar I have people coming into

my email list I have follow-up email sequences going to them and when they become my customer I've set up rules and automation so that they do not receive any more emails okay from me as far as the promotional mailers are concerned so like this you can actually build your own digital asset system of email sequences number seven is content you know this content is my digital  set I

know I got in this video I'll probably you're watching this on youtube or watching this on Facebook and this video

is going to work for me for years and years to come because these are evergreen principles that can work for any business even five years from now even ten years from now this is a very

important evergreen concept so content is a digital asset and in your case if you're putting on content regularly especially video content great this lesson number eight is your YouTube channel YouTube channel can be a great digital asset for you I'm just building it right now at this point maybe I have thousands of subscribers down the line but as I'm recording this video right

now got a good amount of subscribers hundreds of subscribers and I'm building that right now okay but if you guys want to subscribe to my youtube channel just if you are watching this on YouTube just hit the subscribe button and hit the bell button you'll get notified if you are on watching this on Facebook just search for Siddartha of Shaker on youtube and you'll find me there okay

number nine is digital products now this is a big asset of mine because this is what's been like literally feeding my family paying for my vacations give me the freedom live sell over the last few

months you know by selling my own digital courses okay my own digital courses so this is a big asset which can be monetized the beauty about a digital product or a digital course is that you don't have to do it again and again and again you just need to put the effort once and just focus on marketing that course and finally the 10th digital asset is your connections and collaborations

connections and collaborations so you know we have traded a masters Alliance right now and we're actually tapping to each other's influence and these things also are an asset to the growth of your digital business okay so here are the ten different types of digital assets now based on this you know whatever I

just shared with you right now even though you may have all these digital assets I would like you to understand that anybody can copy your digital assets that's that's the sad truth I mean not the sad truths but that's what is the world today so you could be building a blog somebody can replicated you can build your landing page somebody can replicated you can build your email list may be to some extent nobody can can take your list out

of it your social followers may be they can follow whatever you're doing on social in people can replicate that your funnels can be replicated your email sequences can be replicated your content

can be replicated your YouTube channel can be replicated your digital products also can be replicated people can even rip your digital products and put it out there for free and all kinds of stuff

you know can happen connections and collaborations not so much but what's going to be the differentiator is what I'm going to share with you right now okay even though these are digital

assets how do you stand out this is the game let's come back over here now what I'm going to share with you is something which can really really which will give you a much broader perspective of what I'm talking about okay now here are your

assets right these are your sets your blog landing pages 10 SS that I gave you so in order for you to differentiate yourself you got to have a personal band brand new so what is your brand so there are two questions who are you and why should any care about anyone care about or care about you okay so this is what

has differentiated me from many others in the marketplaces because I have a unique style of doing things I stand for something I stand for freedom okay and I have a pretty freedom movement that's happening at other people in my movement

I'm like you know in a subtle coaching group who wanna live a lifestyle of freedom so what I consciously did is

I've engineered my digital assets to represent me the brand it is not about my product it's not about all the affiliate tools that I'm promoting it's about me the brand okay so if you want to be if you want your assets to work for you you got to build a strong  ersonal back when you have a strong personal brand you stand for something okay and then you shared that through your digital assets then the next step is you start to attract that quality

traffic the right kind of people to your into your funnel and when you are trying to ride quality traffic you get the right kind of leads into your list and when you have the right kind of leads

into lists then you'd get the right kind of customers okay so this is the flow when you build yourself then your assets will have a deeper impact they'll have a deeper connection with your audience and that's what creates results because I can mention earlier all assets can be replicated but what differentiates you

from the others is what's going to create those results so even if somebody comes and replicates my system my same products my same webinar same ppts that I share you know what the results will be very different because I've been working on myself

nobody can replicate me just like a thumb impression right everyone has a unique thumb impression so when you workout when you work on yourself on bringing out your flavor to the world and based on what you stand for all of these assets will start making sense only then it will be only the assets will have a true value and momentum but left okay so I hope this makes sense to you because this is my you know I would say my success formula the reason why I've been able to get so many results in the short spirit in a short span of time is that I have literally engineered my success in this game by applying this

model over here okay so I have like you know I want to just share with you the flow on the mind map once again let's go

look at the mind map so this is the flow we have you the brand your assets traffic leads your traffic lists and then the conversions and I have like and I have three gifts to give you right now the first gift is I want to give you this mind map

what about the mind ramp that I just put together okay so if you want a copy of this mind map gift number one is go to ask says calm a sks Ibiza calm and just type accepts a SS EPS type assets and

you'll get a copy of this mind map, okay the second gift that I want to give you is I want to invite you into my next webinar which is going to happen so if you want to build your money machine by applying this police principle here go to SIDS dot Co forward-slash lifestyle where you will get access to my free webinar again it's a live webinar there not be any recordings are not any plays and other stuff you're gonna be engaging with your life in it and you're going to be learning the three secrets that I use

to build my money machine online and you can do it in the next ninety days if you put your mind to it the third gift I want to give you is if you want to learn how to generate or create your own lead generation funnel within sixty minutes I'm gonna do a live demonstration there's also a link over there if you go to SIDS dot C or forward slash funnels I'll invite you into my live webinar again I can no recordings or replays live webinar I'll demonstrate like I'll put all the time up in 60 minutes you're going to be getting a live demo of how I I'm literally going to build a lead generation form from this flash and you can duplicate my

system okay so great I hope you found this video useful what I would request you to do is if you're watching this on YouTube subscribe to my youtube channel if you're watching this on Facebook you know like my fan page start following me

go to assist calm and stay connected with me and the more important thing is if you found this video useful tag

somebody in the comments below if you're watching this on Facebook or share this on your wall if you're watching this on

YouTube just share this video on your social media Profile because somebody else watching this can benefit from this

information and when you pay it forward you'll acquire digital karmic points because you will have somebody else gain

better clarity in their online presence thank you so much, god, bless bye bye




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